Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Email to Inslee on the Bailout


Mr. Inslee,

I know that you waited until you knew the bailout bill would not pass before you cast your nay vote. I am against a bailout in any form. This country needs to wake up and stop living on easy credit.

We've been through recessions before and we'll get through this one. By adding $700B to our national debt and attempting to socialize and subsidize risk we will have a bigger one down the road. I don't want my children or grandchildren to endure that.

In the end, the best thing you can do is encourage less spending from the federal government. We can't tax the rich to pay for ponies for everyone, and we can't grow our way out of this. The holders of the purse strings need to lead by example and start being responsible with taxpayers money. Any bailout would be exactly the opposite of that. Thanks for your time.

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